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Category Archives: How to be a Bookie

Learn How to be a Bookie from our sportsbook experts. We provide several bookie tutorials for both beginners and experts when it comes to running a sports betting operation. Whether you are using a sportsbook pay per head or starting a sportsbook from scratch, these tutorials will come in handy!

Bookie Tutorials from Professional Sportsbook Operators

Understanding How a Bookie Calculates Percentages
Sean Young  , ,  -

Understanding How a Bookie Calculates Percentages

Bookmaking is an age-old practice that has evolved. It involves setting odds and determining the probabilities of outcomes in various events, such as sports matches or horse races. Bookies play a crucial role in this industry by establishing the odds and taking bets from individuals looking to wager on the outcome. Understanding how a bookie […]

Importance of Sports Betting Management with a Pay Per Head
Sean Young  , ,  -

Importance of Sports Betting Management with a Pay Per Head

Sports betting management with a pay per head is crucial for bookies in today’s competitive gambling industry. As the popularity of sports betting continues to grow, bookmakers increasingly need to manage their operations. That way they can maximize their profits effectively. Effective sports betting management involves a comprehensive approach encompassing various aspects such as odds […]

What to Look for in a Bookie Software
Sean Young  , ,  -

What to Look for in a Bookie Software

If you are a bookmaker or a sports betting agent, you know how important it is to have reliable and efficient bookie software. Sports betting software is a platform that allows you to manage your betting business, offer your clients a variety of betting options, track their bets and transactions, and generate reports and analytics. […]

Bookie Guide to Sportsbook Deposit Methods
Sean Young  , ,  -

Bookie Guide to Sportsbook Deposit Methods

If you are a bookie who runs a sportsbook, you know how important it is to offer your clients a variety of deposit methods. Different bettors have different preferences. Thus, you need to know about the different sportsbook deposit methods available. Players have different needs when it comes to funding their accounts. Thus, you want […]

Advantages of Using a White Label Bookie Solution
Sean Young  , ,  -

Advantages of Using a White Label Bookie Solution

If you are a bookie who wants to start or expand your online sports betting business, you might be wondering how to do it without spending a fortune. One option that can save you time and money is using a white label bookie solution. It is one of the best ways on how to be […]

How to Open an eSports Betting Website
Sean Young  , ,  -

How to Open an eSports Betting Website

If you are interested in starting your online sportsbook, you might want to consider the eSports niche. eSports is a term that refers to competitive video gaming, where players or teams compete against each other in various games and tournaments. eSports has become a massive phenomenon in recent years, attracting millions of fans and bettors […]

How to Use a Pay Per Head to Promote UFC Betting
Sean Young  , ,  -

How to Use a Pay Per Head to Promote UFC Betting

You can tap on mixed martial arts as a bookie to increase your sportsbook’s action. Today’s most popular MMA event organizer is the Ultimate Fighting Championship or the UFC. Thus, you can use a pay per head service to promote UFC betting. You can use a bookie pay per head service in several ways to […]

Vital Marketing Tools for a Sportsbook
Sean Young  , ,  -

Vital Marketing Tools for a Sportsbook

Marketing is a challenging process for independent bookies. However, you cannot get results away. Thus, it would be best to have lots of patience to make your online marketing campaign work. Also, it would help if you used marketing tools for a sportsbook to become a successful bookie. Promoting your sportsbook online is the best […]

Email Engagement Tips for a Bookie – Ways to Make People Read and Click
Sean Young  , ,  -

Email Engagement Tips for a Bookie – Ways to Make People Read and Click

Email marketing is an effective marketing tool for bookies. After learning how to start a bookie business, it is one of the things you need to do. Also, an email marketing strategy requires a lot of energy. Therefore, putting a lot of effort into ensuring you get high email engagement would be best. Thus, our […]

Sports Betting Data: What Your Sportsbook Needs
Sean Young  , ,  -

Sports Betting Data: What Your Sportsbook Needs

Sports betting data is a vital resource you can use to grow your bookie business. Having accurate data can help your sportsbook grow. But also, you need to know how to interpret the information correctly. Once you know what to do with the information, you can leverage them to grow your bookie business. Also, it […]

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